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Carlos and Carmen: The Fun Fort


Summary:  The Garcia’s new refrigerator comes in a big box, which Papá plans to recycle.  Carlos and Carmen, however, have other ideas -- big, brown ideas.  The twins' imaginations run wild as they turn the box into everything from a submarine to a rocket before finally making it into a fun fort. 


Word Count:  1000 words



Chapter 1:  The Big Box


Mamá and Papá pushed the big, brown box into the kitchen.  They were excited about their brand-new refrigerator.  Carlos and Carmen were excited too.


“Try not to scrape it, por favor, Mamá,” said Carlos.    


“Por favor, Papá, be careful as you get it out,” said Carmen.


Mis hijos,” said Mamá.  “I had no idea you were so excited about our new refrigerator.” 


Carmen tilted her head to the side and scrunched up her mouth.  Carlos shrugged his shoulders and wrinkled his nose.  Neither twin said a thing.


Mamá stopped pushing.  “What’s going on, mis hijos?” she asked.


“A new fridge is nice,” said Carlos, “but …”


“A big, brown box is even better,” Carmen finished.


“What will you do with the caja?” asked Papá.


“We’ve got plans,” said Carlos.


“Big, brown plans,” added Carmen.


“In that case,” said Mamá, “let’s get this caja into the backyard.”




Chapter 2: Big, Brown Plans


Chapter 3:  Big, Brown Fun


Chapter 4:  The Flat Fort


Chapter 5:  The Perfect Fort


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