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Carlos and Carmen: The Costume Contest


Summary:  Fall leaves and pumpkins are everywhere, and Carlos and Carmen are making plans to be in the costume contest.  They both want to win, but neither of them wants the other to lose.  It's a problem -- a prize winning problem.  But with an old shirt, some markers, and a lot of creativity, the twins come up with a prize winning solution.


Word Count:  1000 words



Chapter One: Pumpkins


It was fall, and pumpkins were popping up everywhere.  There were pumpkins in the stores.  There were pumpkins in the schools.  And, there was a big pumpkin in the Garcia’s kitchen.


“This will make it easy to clean up,” said Papá spreading out newspaper.


“We won’t make a mess,” said Carmen.


“We’re expert calabaza carvers,” added Carlos. 


“You can’t be too prepared,” said Mamá spreading out more paper. 


“Our calabaza should be a happy jack-o-lantern,” said Carlos.


“With a big sonrisa,” said Carmen.


“And teeth poking out of its smile,” added Carlos.


“And a tongue poking out of the sonrisa, too,” said Carmen.


“Not so fast, mis hijos,” said Papá.  “First, you have to hollow out the pumpkin.”


Carmen reached into the pumpkin.  She pulled out a handful of slippery seeds and tossed them on the paper.


Carlos reached into the pumpkin.  He pulled out a handful of squishy strings and plopped them on the paper.


Spooky poked the slippery seeds.  She batted the squishy strings.  She skittered all around the pumpkin.  Soon she had seeds and strings scattered everywhere.  She even had a pumpkin seed stuck to her nose.


“¡Ya basta!” said Mamá scooping up Spooky.  “It’s time for you to go outside.”


Spooky swished her tail.  Poking seeds was fun, but pouncing on falling leaves was even better.




Chapter Two: Monsters and Cats


Chapter Three: Making a Costume


Chapter Four: Prizes


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